Life Lessence Blog

why we should listen to our parents!
Our elders have lived long and have had many life experiences that have given them insights into the world that younger generations have not yet had the opportunity to gain. Their wisdom is an invaluable resource that should not be overlooked; recording this is...

The wisdom of ancestors throughout history
Throughout world history, the wisdom of ancestors has been recorded and passed down from generation to generation. These recorded insights and experiences have helped to shape the world that we live in today. Here are some examples of important recorded wisdom of...

Common regrets of older people, and what they wish they could tell their descendants
As we grow older, we begin to reflect on our lives and the choices we have made. For many older people, this reflection leads to a sense of regret about things they wish they had done differently. Here are some common regrets of older people and what they wish they...

the value of our elders
As we grow older, we begin to realise the importance of family and the value of the knowledge and experiences of our elders. In particular, the life lessons that our grandparents can share with us can be a source of great joy and inspiration. Here are some reasons why...

What advice would you give to the next generation?
One of the questions we explore in our enquiry during the Legacy Book Workshop is "What advice would I leave future generations?" or, to say it differently: "What has life taught me so far?"To illustrate this, I am going to tell a true story of an elder who made a...

How to write an autobiography – A step-by-step guide.
So, you want to know how to write an autobiography. Is it easy to learn or do you hire a freelance biography writer?Have you lived a pretty extraordinary life? One full of engaging stories and valuable lessons? Maybe someone’s told you that you should write an...

Interview Questions for Your Parents: Writing their story
I’m often asked about interview questions for your parents beyond the usual ‘where did they grow up’ and ‘where did they go to school’ variety.People can have a lot of trouble coming up with good questions – but they’re really not as hard as they first seem. If you’ve...